Welcome to SOL.
I suppose I should explain some stuff you'll be seeing. The story takes place far in the future.
People have explored and colonized the most of the solar system except for some of the more far out places.
For the most part, you can expect to find people on just about any rock larger than a couple of miles across.
However, people have not left the solar system at all. Things like general relativity and the speed of light can be
such a pain, y'know?
At the start here, it's a pretty uneventful time. No major wars or anything. People are more
or less just living their lives.
Here's my to-do list. Forums first, and fast I think. I want to hear your feedback. Maybe Twitter, Facebook, RSS feeds, etc. I have a timeline that I wrote to
figure out how people got from 2009 to 7339. I'll clean that up and post it somewhere.. Maybe more as I figure it out.
Enjoy! -Brian