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Monday , April 6 , 2009

Yes, I know this page is kinda short. Sorry about that. I thought about throwing you guys two pages today, but I really don't want to do that. Not to be mean, mind you, but I don't want to screw myself here.

I currently have a 15 page lead on this comic. I'm working on page 18 as I'm writing this, and have 19 planned out. It takes me about a week to do a page, thanks to things like work, and getting the car fixed and yada yada yada. If I throw you guys an extra page every few weeks my lead time dwindles, and next thing you know I have a nasty self-imposed deadline that I'd really rather not deal with. So, sorry guys. If I change my mind I'll put up a page mid-week.

I've been making a few little tweaks here and there. The shoutbox is up. Please use it. I feel like I'm talking in an empty room here. I've also got an add in that little newsbox on the left. I haven't seen it up but hopefully you have. I'd like to get a twitter box-thingie that I see on other websites up. Maybe I'll do that this week. Next week on the outside. I'm also working on a mailbox button this week. Should be up soon.

The last big bit of news is that I have been playing with the idea of making SOL a color comic. I have been toying with Photoshop a bit and I think I could do it. By the way, except for the text, SOL is 100% hand drawn. I know that's kinda out of fashion these days but screw it. I have a tablet and know how to use the relevant programs, but I have major problems with a tablet. I need to be able to see my hand working on what I'm drawing or it looks like crap... or more like crap, rather. Besides, I like being able to hold the actual pages that I've drawn, instead of some kind of printout. I dunno.

So, um... Yeah. An' stuff.

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All artwork ©2009 Brian Juliano. All rights reserved.