
The fount of humanity, Earth was a long time recovering from the Cataclysm of 3298. The continents of Africa and Europe are still mostly uninhabitable due to the vast tectonic activity created by the massive mishap, and most of the cities prominent before the accident were destroyed. However, most of the other effects of the Cataclysm, such as massive widespread earthquakes and volcano eruptions, have mostly disappeared a thousand years before. Mankind on Earth has just recently overcome Mars in terms of population and has surpassed 7 billion.

The Moon

Settlements on the Moon were built extremely late in solar history, and were made in order to allow visitors from other worlds a place to stay near Earth but out of its harmful gravity. Only two cities exist on the Moon, one on the near side and one on the far side. The population living there is nearly negligible, and consists mostly of the staff needed to keep the cities operating. These cities are a main place for trade between the Earth and the rest of the solar system.



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