
There is little human activity in the inner Saturnian system due to the inherent dangers of the area, and other then Titan and Rhea there are no large cities or colonies. However, many small communities exist on the outer Saturnian moons and rocks. There are extensive fuel dumps on the smaller, more distant moons. This is for the passing Craft that need an extra meal. The rings of Saturn extend extremely far, and even though they may be tenuous, are an extreme hazard when considering navigation of the area. Titan and Rhea are far enough out for this to not be such a great risk, but the moons and rocks of the inner system are dangerous because of the large number of collisions they experience with the ring material. There are regular scientific explorations of the inner Saturnian system, however, done by brave and hardy souls who are willing to dare it.

The Rings of Saturn are currently protected against use as fuel by Craft by interplanetary law. A result of this law is that Saturn’s Rings are the only rings protected.


Due to Titan’s higher natural atmospheric pressure and toxic makeup, Titaners need to live in reinforced domes, which are built to keep the excess pressure out as opposed to keeping a necessary pressure on the inside. The population currently hovers just under 1 billion.

Titan has a large industrial base due mainly to the large amount of organic compounds to be found there. There is an extremely small and primitive ecology on Titan, composed mostly of lichens and bacteria. Due to an extremely different makeup, however, none of this is harmful to human beings, and is unable to live in humanity’s atmosphere and climate. Great care is taken to not endanger any of the indigenous life.


Rhea is the smallest of the moon colonies, and it's cities built in much the same way as Callisto’s. It's population is only a few hundred million strong. Originally built to be a fuel dump for Craft in the Outer System, it’s popularity led to the creation of cities.



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