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Monday , April 27 , 2009

Forgot all about writing this column this weekend. Oops, my bad. I had a busy weekend and it just kinda slipped my mind. Bound to happen every now and again. Hell, it's not like I'm getting paid to do this, y'know?

This is one of the pages I like most. When I was first drawing that first panel, I thought it had way too much empty space. But it works once everything is together.

Still going slow on the current stuff I'm drawing. Dunno why really. Gonna try to pick it up a bit this upcoming week. The story itself seems to be coming along nicely, as far as I can tell. Mind you I'm a few pages ahead of you at this point. I probably shouldn't say this but I'm kinda just making it up as I go along. I mean, I do have the general direction for maybe the next 40 pages (from this page you see), but after that, it's all wide open. I do know some events in the future that I would like to see, like the fact that the crew winds up spending a bit of time in the Oort Cloud. Won't tell you why, though.

I should have some new sketchbook stuff up later tonite. Just gotta scan 'em and update the crap. Good stuff, I think.

Something I was thinking it could put in here to... well... add space, would be a book list. I read a lot. Way too much, really. I have to read a little every night before I go to sleep, and I get a good hour every day at work to read. That's a nice fringe benefit of the job, I think. So I'm gonna put up what I been reading this past week. This week's will probably be a little small, since I just decided to do this today.

Earlier in the week, I was reading Jim Butcher's Dresden Files stuff. Fun stuff. It's like the potato chips of the fantasy genre, it's great but it's all empty calories. The series gets better the further you get into it. The first book is very fun, though.

I'm back on a Terry Pratchett kick. Just finished Small Gods, which is one of the lesser books in the Discworld series, but one of the better non-series books. Terry Pratchett is extremely cool, and probably wrote some of the best stuff in fantasy. Started Theif of Time just today, so I'll talk about that one next week.

One last note. Go see Wolverine this weekend. You know I will.

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