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Monday , May 4 , 2009

Crap. Missed it again. This time I'm just gonna chalk it up to plain ol' laziness. Sure I could have done it this weekend, but the weather was too nice and I had stuff to do. I would apologize (yeah, to both of the people who read this.) but since this is a hobby, screw it.

This is a good page. One of my favorites, mostly for the first and last panels. I remember doodling out the layouts at lunch one day at work, and my co-worker kept watching. I remember he liked the flexing panel. I'll get some of the sketches up by tomorrow, and I'll see if I can find the one I was drawing at the time and put that up.

Hmm, what else, what else. I saw Wolverine this weekend. It was okay. Nothing to write home about. I think I'm a bit biased though, since I still have the original Weapon X mini-series with Barry Windsor Smith. Now THAT'S quality. And the bad guy... eeew a Rob Liefeld creation... What's next? A Cable movie? Yikes.

Speaking of movies, Star Trek comes out this weekend. I for one will not be seeing it. I really don't like Star Trek, except for maybe a bit of the TNG stuff. I find Star Trek to be a good example of how to not write sci-fi. You definitely won't be seeing any phasers, shields, warping, aliens-that-are-human characters, or artificial gravity in SOL. There is no bridge, as humans do not fly spaceships in SOL. They fly themselves, it's safest that way. You also won't see any interstellar travel, as I don't really see how people can go to another star. I don't know much about physics, but I do know how fast light travels, and I know that nothing goes faster than that. Even at that speed other stars are a long, long, long, long, ways away. And for anyone who's thinking, maybe they will discover something that could change that, maybe you're right. But maybe not. I wanted to see what the other way would be like. See The Mote in God's Eye, by Niven & Purnelle, for a kind-of example of what I mean.

Anyways, the solar system is a fun playground as it is. It's never used much in any of the sci-fi I read, and there's a lot of stuff out there. Asteroids, moons, Mars, etc. You almost never see sci-fi that takes place on Callisto, for example. I can think of a couple of things, but most don't touch that stuff. Also, the solar system isn't copyrighted. Big bonus.

Book list for this week: Turn Coat by Jim Butcher. Yes, more Dresden Files stuff. The story is about par the course, which is to say, it was pretty good.

I'm currently working on Soul Music by Terry Pratchett. I'll probably talk about that one next time since I kinda just started it. Will keep you informed.

That's about it for now I think. I'll try to get this up in time next Monday, but we shall see.

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