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Monday , May 11 , 2009

I officially give up. I'll never be able to keep this blog on time. At this point all I can say is that I'll probably write this every Monday after work. The weekends are just too nice to sit down to write, and I was never that good at thinking ahead.

Just incase you haven't noticed, or I haven't said a lot of this comic takes place in zero G, or other low gravity conditions. I haven't quite figured out how to do that, but I'm working on it. Sometimes it seems to look right, but sometimes the camera angles make it odd. I have no idea how to draw what colonies look like. Mars is sorta easy cuz it's been terraformed for thousands of years at this point. Things can look sorta like Earth and not break continuity, but what would, say, Europa, or Titan look like? It's a good question as I really don't know. At most of the moons and asteroids I just picture burying cities very far down. It'll be in ice in a lot of places, and maybe even water oceans. My Europa definitely has a water ocean. And don't forget, with the very light gravity you could jump very high, among other things.

On a side note... there aren't very many writers who pay attention to gravity. Larry Niven did most of the time. Kim Stanley Robinson did in the beginning, but never utilized it. Ben Bova did some. He even did solar system sci-fi, most of it good.

So, I continue to not go see Star Trek. I'll wait for Terminator instead I think. That's a fun franchise, even though there's one major plot hole in it. Namely, in the first two movies, they talk about the future not being set. They even end Terminator 2 that way. The problem is that the future IS set, hence all the crazy killer robots from the future. The way I see it, if there is time travel, the future is set. Look at it from the other way. Future John Connor sends people/things back in time to save himself from the governator, but knows exactly how it will turn out, because he lived through it when he was 10. He also knew from the age of 10 that eventually he will find a time machine and have to send people/things back in time to do various things. And since it's always implied that John only found the time machine AFTER he beat Skynet, John ALWAYS knew he would win. He just didn't know how.

Don't forget the most important factor in this: If Skynet never sent terminators back in time to kill his nemesis, he would have defeated John Connor in the future. This is simply because John had some foreknowledge of the Future War, and had experience killing machines.

Ouch. Thinking hurts.


As soon as I get some courage up, I'm going to build a Character tab for the main page. I have the text mostly written out, I just need to do up some portraits and actually build the page. That's my problem with the sketchbook section, I actually have to write the page out. Not the most fun thing. Getting the artwork ready is a cinch as I keep it all right next to my drafting table.

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