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Monday , September 21 , 2009


Time flies when you're having fun I guess. Hmm, let's see what happened since I last put up one of these. Got a new computer, but my old Version of Photoshop wouldn't work on it. That was the technical reason for stopping regular updates. Who are we kidding, ALL updates. I didn't want my couple-page lead on the comic to dry up, so I pulled it.

And... tempus fugit... Then: Here we are!

Finally bought a cheap-o version of Photoshop to get started again. I will do my best to keep my head of steam going and keep churning out stuff, but (ooh, another fancy latin phrase) caveat emptor. My biggest problem is that although I'm basically my own boss on this, I'm a horrible supervisor. I just stopped drawing for a couple of months, which does happen to me sometimes. And when I did, it was crappy. Pure, disgusting crappy.

Y'know what the worst part of it all is? Now I'm rusty at the computer stuff. All that programming stuff, and putting on word balloons and such. Sigh. Oh, well, I'll just have to relearn it all. I apologize in advance if you see the website in some kind of wierd disarray in the future weeks.

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All artwork ©2009 Brian Juliano. All rights reserved.