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Monday , September 28 , 2009

Hey, look! I updated again! Maybe I should make a habit of this...

I noticed I should point out that most of the time, no one seems to wear shoes in the strip. There's two reasons for this. First, I suck at drawing shoes. Feet I can do because they are basically hands.

The second reason is that they are in an indoor, free-floating environment most of the time. Wearing them would be a hindrance for no reason other than you can't grab onto walls and furniture and stuff with your toes if they're in shoes. Even in just a low gravity environment, like, say, Gandymede, having your toes available would be a big help. Remember, the average 160 pound person weighs about 20 pounds on Ganymede. If my math is right...

The gravity differences also explains why a lot of clothing seems to end mid-forarm or mid-calf. As for style and whatnot, I'm just not fashion-capable. Jeans and a T-shirt are pretty much all of my wardrobe. I will try to vary clothes around when I can, but no promises. Hey, maybe people dress simply in the future, eh?

As for the question of how people in the strip can survive zero-g forever and regular, real life people can be horribly crippled by long term exposure to weightlessness, you'll just have to wait until another day for the answer.

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